EasySave allows you to calculate possible energy savings by adopting ABBs Home&Building Automation solutions.
With EasySave by ABB, according to the building type, it is possible to rapidly calculate the savings, both from an economic and an environmental standpoint, obtainable by implementing ABB KNX standard Home&Building Automation solutions. Furthermore, it is also possible to find out and navigate ABB solutions implementing technical sheets proposed by italian CEI 205-18 Guide, related to the different automation control presented by EN 15232 standard.
Available functionalities:
* calculate energy savings by adopting ABBs Home&Building Automation solutions
* building classification according to EN 15232 standard
* inspection of technical solutions implementing automation levels prescribed by EN 15232 standard
* navigation and selection of ABB order codes needed to implement the technical solutions for each automation level
* access to additional ABB information related to energy efficiency in buildings
* ABB energy efficiency network contacts